LSM 880- Upright confocal with MP laser


The LSM 880 laser scanning confocal microscope from Zeiss is a spectral imaging confocal system. It is hooked to an upright fully motorized Axio Imager Z1 microscope.



  • Laser options:

The system includes 5 visible lasers and an IR-multi photon laser:

  • Diode laser 405 nm (10mW)
  • Multiline Argon laser with excitations at: 458, 488, 514nm (25mW)
  • Laser He-Ne 543 nm (10mW)
  • Laser He-Ne 594 nm (10mW)
  • HeNe laser, with excitation line at: 633 nm (5mW)

Ti-Sapphire Multi-photon laser with excitation line varied from 690-1040 nm (4.2 W at 800 nm)

  • Objectives:
Objective Plan-Apochromat 10x C-Apochromat LD LCI Plan-Apochromat Objective Plan-Apochromat- DIC
Magnitude 10x 10x X25 X63
Serial # 420640-9800-000 421747-9900-000 420852-9870-000 420782-9900-799
NA 0.3 0.45 0.8 1.4
Immersion dry Water Water ± cover
slip / Glycerol ±
cover slip / Oil
(correction ring)


  • Controller: Two-mirror scanner system offers 360° XY scanning field rotation, quick zooming, different acquisition modes: simultaneous, sequential, bi-directional and more.
  • Detection: 3 individual fluorescent channels: 2 PMT detectors and 1 GaAsp detector for spectral imaging. A variety of available emission filters offers imaging of wide fluorochromes from the UV to the IR spectral region 1 transmitted light channel allowing superimposing fluorescence images on bright filed, DIC images.
  • 2-photon application: the TiSapphier laser allows 2-photon excitation which permits dipper penetration into tissues and samples.
  • Acquisition and analysis: acquisition is performed using the ZEN software which provides a wide range of image processing functions: 2D/3D, projection, reconstructing, co localization, intensity measurements and more.
    An additional software license for offline analysis is available on the workstation.
    Files generated by the 880 LSM software can be loaded by the ZEN . Using the ZEN lite one can export specific files to any other required form: JPEG, AVI, etc.



Multi channel fluorescence imaging

3-D reconstruction

Quantitative co-localization

Spectral imaging


SHG – Second Harmonic Generation Imaging

FRET – fluorescence resonance energy transfer

FRAP – fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching

Mark and Find


Releted Documents

Spectral Imaging

Introduction To LSM

Meta Emission Fingerprinting

Multi Photon Microscopy

Multi Photon Dye Chart

Releted Links

Download ZEN Lite

Know How – Laser Scanning System (Zeiss)

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