- Publications
- Microscopy & imaging
- Super Resolution Microscope: Lattice SIM/STED/STORM
- ZEISS- Light Sheet Z7
- Nikon- Spinning Disk Confocal
- LSM 880- Upright confocal with MP laser
- LSM 710 – Inverted confocal
- LSM 700 – Inverted confocal
- LSM 980- Spectral inverted confocal with Airyscan2
- Cytation™ 5 – BioTek
- Leica DMI8 Inverted Fluorescent Microscope
- Olympus Fluorescent Binocular Microscope
- Image analysis & processing
- Flow Cytometry
- Virus room – Emerson Building
LSM 710 – Inverted confocal
The LSM 710 laser scanning confocal microscope from Zeiss is a spectral imaging confocal system designed for live-cell imaging. It is hooked to an inverted fully motorized Axio Observer Z1 microscope.
- Laser options:
The system includes 4 visible solid state lasers:
– UV laser – 405 nm (10mW)
– Argon multi line laser – 458, 488 and 514 nm (30mW)
– Green laser – 543 nm (10mW)
– Red laser – 639 nm (5mW)
Magnitude | X10 | X20 | X40 | X63 |
Type | EC Plan-Neofluar | Plan-Apochromat | Plan-Apochromat | Plan-Apochromat |
NA | 0.3 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 1.4 |
Immersion | dry | dry | Water (correction ring) |
Oil DIC |
Controller: Two-mirror scanner system offers 360° XY scanning field rotation, quick zooming, different acquisition modes: simultaneous, sequential, bi-directional and more.
- Detection: The scanning module features a confocal beam path with two channels and continuously variable secondary dichroic beam splitter for free selection of emission bands; 2 symmetric galvanometer mirrors for high-precision beam positioning; One motorized and continuously variable high precision pinhole; Two PMTs (photomultipliers) detectors and Two highly sensitive GaAsp (Gallium arsenide phosphide) detectors. In addition, the system provides transmission images via the Transmission Photomultiplier.
- Incubation: This microscope has an incubation chamber for live cell imaging for control over CO2, temperature and humidity.
The system enables, amongst many others, the following applications: Photoactivation and Photobleaching experiments with up to 99 freely definable ROI´s,
* Fast Image Acquisition for Live Cell Imaging and Time-Lapse studies,
* Z-Stacks for localization of cells in living tissues and 3-D reconstruction
* High-resolution localization of sub-cellular compartments and quantities co-localization
* Spectral imaging
* FRET – fluorescence resonance energy transfer
* Mark and find feature – The motorized stage allows marking specific coordinates using small magnifications or tiling of large scanning areas for further detailed scanning.
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