- Publications
- Microscopy & imaging
- Super Resolution Microscope: Lattice SIM/STED/STORM
- ZEISS- Light Sheet Z7
- Nikon- Spinning Disk Confocal
- LSM 880- Upright confocal with MP laser
- LSM 710 – Inverted confocal
- LSM 700 – Inverted confocal
- LSM 980- Spectral inverted confocal with Airyscan2
- Cytation™ 5 – BioTek
- Leica DMI8 Inverted Fluorescent Microscope
- Olympus Fluorescent Binocular Microscope
- Image analysis & processing
- Flow Cytometry
- Virus room – Emerson Building
Flow Cytometry
The Flow Cytometry Unit offers four analyzers and three sorters, as well as work stations with flow analysis software: FCS Express, FLOWjo and ModFit LT.
All users receive full training and guided assistance on the various instruments.
Workshops and hands-on sessions are organized to provide researchers with training in the methods of flow cytometry and advanced applications and protocols.
The flow cytometry unit contains the following equipment:
- Invitrogen BIGFOOT– Digital, 4 laser sorter
- BD FACS Aria IIIu – Digital, 4-laser sorter
- BD INFLUX -Digital, 2 laser sorter
- BD LSR-II– Digital, 4-laser analyzer
- Amnis ImageStream®X Mark II– Digital, 4-laser, imaging flow cytometer
- Cytek Aurora– Digital, 4-laser analyzer
- BD FACS Calibur– Analog, 2-laser analyzer
Flow Cytometry Unit Team:
Dr. Aviv Lutaty
Flow Cytometry Unit, Head
Tel: +972-733-783-676 email: avivlutaty@technion.ac.il
Yousef Mansour
Flow Cytometry Specialist
Tel: 073-378 1370. email: yousefm@technion.ac.il