The LS&E and BCF Workshop on Light Microscopy and Image Processing & Analysis

We are happy to invite you to a joint BCF/LS&E imaging workshop.

Day 1: Monday, December 3, 2018

Location: Seminar Room, Mezzanine, Faculty of Medicine

Light Microscopy

09:00-12:00 Theoretical Instruction

Transmitted light. Fluorescence: Widefield and Confocal

Maya Holdengreber

Field Application Specialist, BCF

 12:00-12:45, Lunch break

12:45-13:45 High End Applications – BCF

Introduction to Bioimaging Center – BCF

Edith Suss-Toby

Director, Bioimaging Center, BCF

LSM880 confocal for high resolution high speed & spectral imaging

Maya Holdengreber

Field Application Specialist, BCF

Incucyte – High Throughput Live Cell Analysis System

Melia Gurewitz

Field Application Specialist, BCF

13:45-14:00, Coffee break

14:00-15:00 High End Applications – LS&E

Light Sheet Microscopy for 3D Imaging of live or fixed samples

Nitsan Dahan

Director, Microscopy & Imaging, LS&E, Technion

Incell 2000 for high content imaging and analysis

Yael Lupu-Haber

Imaging & Bioanalysis specialist, LS&E

Image stream  – to see behind the dot

Efrat Barak

Flow Cytometry Head, LS&E


Day 2: Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Location: Computer Farm, First Floor, Faculty of Biology

Image Processing & Analysis

09:00-10:15 The Numbers Behind the Image

Yael Lupu-Haber

Imaging & Bioanalysis specialist, LS&E

10:15-12:15 Imaris Basic, Hands-on

12:15-13:00, Lunch break


13:00-14:00 Image Analysis Applications

Yulia Fridman

Research Fellow, Sigal Savaldi-Goldstein Lab, Faculty of Biology

Yonit Maroudas-Sacks
PhD student, Kinneret Keren Lab, Faculty of Physics

Itai Ehrlich

Image Analysis Specialist, BCF


14:00-14:15, Coffee break


14:15-16:00 Imaris Advanced, Hands-on


Day 3: Monday, December 17, 2018

Location: Purple Computer Farm, Gallery Floor, Faculty of Medicine

13:00-16:00 FIJI Software, Hands-on


This workshop is free of charge, however, registration is required

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