
 Fees from Jan 2025

All Prices are in NIS

* Fees do not include VAT.

As of January 2025, the Technion Human Health Initiative (THHI) will participate in costs for Technion investigators at a rate of up to 60%. Participation is subject to specific criteria.
Please contact Dr. Maayan Duvshani Eshet for further details.

LS&E Infrastructure Center Fees (NIS) from Jan 2025

Instrument Fee base Technion users Academy Industry
Microscopy & BioImaging Day fee
Night fee
next day)
Confocal LSM 980 per hour 140 110 250 350
Confocal LSM 880 per hour 120 100 200 300
Confocal LSM 710 per hour 120 100 200 300
Confocal LSM 700 per hour 120 100 200 300
Spinning Disk Confocal per hour 140 110 250 350
Super Resolutions Microscope
per hour 160 140 280 350
Light Sheet Z7 ** per hour 140 110 250 350
Cytation 5 per hour 60♣ 40 100 150
IncuCyte S3 per hour 30 20 50 75
Axio Imager Z1 – upright per hour 60 40 100 150
Leica DMI8 per hour 60 40 100 150
Fluorescent Binocular per hour 30 20 100 150
Imaging Analysis 
Imaris – 3D/4D/5D per hour 40 30 100 150
HIVE Server – ZEN per hour 40 40 100 150
HIVE Server – NAPARI/ QuPath per hour 40 40 100 150
Image Analysis /Working hour
by LSE Bio-analyst specialist
per hour  100  — 250 300
FACS Day fee
Night fee
next day)
Calibur per hour 80 60 150 200
LSR-II** per hour 130 130 200 280
ImageStream** per hour 130 130 200 280
Cytek Aurora **
Spectral Flow Analyzer
per hour 140 140 250 350
Aria-III * per hour 130 130 250 300
BigFoot * per hour 160 160 280 350
Flow Analysis per hour 40 40 60 100
Flow Analysis by LSE team/
Working hour
per hour 100 250 300
Yearly fee of 1000 NIS per hour 195


Please note:

  • There will be a minimum charge of 30 min per reservation.
  • For working after 17:00 with LS&E staff an additional 100 NIS per hour will be charged.

*  1 hr is added to each experiment. Additional one hr is added for aseptic sorting.

** 15 minutes are added to each experiment for preparation of the system.

♣ For an experiment over 10 hours, the day fee will be 30 NIS per hour.

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