The LS&E Microscopy Core Facility Center is pleased to announce that the newest ZEISS Light-Sheet 7 would be installed at the LS&E this year.
The new Light-Sheet 7 microscope is dedicated for multi-view imaging for Living sample and as well as for Optically Cleared Specimens. The exceptional stability of Light-Sheet 7 enables to observe living samples over extended periods of time – even days – with minimal photo-toxicity than ever before. In addition, the new light sheet microscope can image very large optically cleared specimens with subcellular resolution.
Light-Sheet 7 designed to image specimens at up to 2 cm in size at any refractive index between 1.33 and 1.58, and in almost all clearing solutions. The Light-Sheet 7 have dedicated optics, sample chambers and sample holders to match accurately the desired refractive index for multiplicity clearing method with the ability to image large samples or cleared organ/tissue such as mouse brain, spinal cord, lymph nodes, bones, spleen, solid tumors and more.
For more information and details, please contact us:
Dr. Nitsan Dahan , 077-887-1385
Dr. Yael Lupu-Haber , 077-887-1386
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